The Meaning of Madrugada to Your Dental Practice Success


Madrugada is a Catalan word pointing to the pivotal moment when the sun breaks through the darkness and a new day dawns. In your life and practice, moments arise when big decisions position you for long-term success. These momentous resolutions happen in a second, but must be implemented every day. Would you like to see a new day dawn in your life and practice this next year?


The sun is cresting the horizon. What critical changes will you implement in 2018 for your life and practice? What changes do you need to establish in your mindset, your habits, your health, your relationships, your finances, and your practice? You have big goals and big dreams. Now is the time to make the big decisions that set achievement in motion.


As each day begins, implementation is set in motion. How will you ensure each new day moves you closer to your bigger goals? Has your team been equipped and motivated by your morning huddle? Have you scheduled your daily goals? Have you done everything possible to ensure the new day will be your best day? What changes in your daily schedule must you implement to ensure every new day is set up to be a great day? Your Madrugada moment is now. Write down three changes you are committed to implementing in your life and practice.